上海理業投資(zī)控股集團 +86-2家玩1-62150650
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Shanghai Realmax Klc Hold南長ings Ltd. is a new ris黃空ing frontier enterprise in the field商笑 of bulk energy in China. It activel現能y integrates high-quality reso票北urces in the industri他讀al chain through “coal supply cha鄉廠in + financial technology”. The compa低業ny takes Shanghai coal excha說們nge and Shanghai Realmax Sup女筆ply Chain Financial Services秒到 Co.,Ltd. as its business core to b輛去uild an online and offline h大北ighly linked smart energy supply 多聽chain. The company takes "techno友錢logy empowering traditional energy indu生西stry" as the core concept and讀師 "big data + blockch車分ain" as the core techn器空ology to actively expand the coal supp匠少ly chain business and去城 lead the construction o如黃f intelligent energy platform. 歌得The company has realized the de近如ep integration of coal trading, settl自什ement, payment, supply chain mana爸關gement, credit investigation and f南場inance. Relying on the pe間可rfect online and offline service訊理 system and blockchai市音n platform of the smart energy secto門我r, vigorously promote the integ麗人ration of industry and fin間話ance in the energy field in China.上冷


  • 上海市青浦區徐泾鎮徐民路168弄中(zhōng)建企業天地東區5号樓

  • Building 5, East Area, CSCEC船錢 Enterprise World, Lane 168, Xumin票讀 Road, Xujing, Qingpu Di行錢strict, Shanghai

  • +86-21-62150650

  • +86-21-62150650  可我;  郵編:200040南錢

  • 官方微信
